WBRA met with Planning Dept on June 27, 2019.

Representatives from Wasaga Ratepayers Association Inc met with Danny Rogers - Chief Building Official, and Doug Herron - Director of Planning & Economic Initiatives to discuss the Casino plans and process.

Overall, our suggestions seemed to be well received.

We asked for the opportunity to review the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) agreement and the Environmental agreement.

We asked if they had considered the recent independent Economic study for review by Staff.

We asked if a wider communication to local households would be done to make sure residents are fully aware of the overall development and implications, regardless of what our by-law requirements might be. This is a significant development and requires effective communication to residents.

We spoke of the parking ratio being used and the need to increase it based on other communities where casinos exist and parking proved to be inadequate.

We asked if the additional policing costs had been negotiated as the responsibility of the Casino versus Wasaga Beach taxpayers.

We asked to see a copy of the Traffic Study when completed.

We also asked about negotiating a social contract with the Casino to ensure local employment is provided to single parents, etc.

On July 16 we requested a follow-up meeting for updates to our group and we are still waiting for a response.