Hello Folks,

I can not tell you how honoured and humbled I am by all the support; well wishes and love I have received in this campaign. Election night, yesterday and this morning have been absolutely heartwarming.

I would like to thank everyone no matter whom you voted for in this election for taking the time and care for our town to vote. If you voted for me, a special and heartfelt thank you for your support and confidence in me. I truly appreciate it.

Now the election is over, and the Council has been chosen, I could not be more pleased. I am confident you have chosen a Council that will do what is best for our community always.

I look forward to getting to work with Council for you towards making Wasaga Beach the greatest place to live, work, learn and play for all of us and future generations.

To all the new candidates who were not successful, thank you! Thank you for putting your hand up in hopes of working to make Wasaga Beach better.

Our job will not be easy, we have a lot to repair, debt to repay and relationships to build. This Council will face a recession and must be diligent with your dollars while still moving our town forward.

You have my word, I will do everything I can, and work as hard as it takes, to make this new Council the best we can possibly be. I have no doubt we will not agree on everything, we will have our differences. However, I am confident this Council will work together for what is best for the greatest town in the greatest province in the greatest country in the world.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for this honour and privilege to be your Mayor once again.

Hug the ones you love and be kind to one another.


(From https://www.briansmithformayor.com/)